(310) 404-3907

Tenant Habitability Plan

What is the Tenant habitability Program?

The Tenant Habitability Program requires the development of a Tenant Habitability Plan (THP) in order to mitigate the impact on tenants during major construction in apartment buildings.   Property owners undertaking major construction work must take steps to ensure that tenants can safely remain in place during construction or provide temporary relocation to tenants when the work makes the rental unit untenantable, as defined by California Civil Code Section 1941.1. Seismic retrofit work requires the filing of a Tenant Habitability Plan.


What do I do when I receive a seismic retrofit order?

When building owners receive a seismic retrofit order from the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS), they must notify tenants in writing on the form approved by HCIDLA (LAMC Sections 91.9307.1 and 91.9506.1).  Owners may download tenant notification forms from HCIDLA’s website at http://hcidla.lacity.org/tenant-habitability-program.